RIZOMA’s Quality Policy wants to express a common orientation, a real commitment towards continuous improvement of our products, our processes and of all that characterizes and distinguishes the Company in determining the complete satisfaction of our customers and, therefore, our success.

“Perfection is not achieved when there’s nothing else to add up, but when there’s nothing more to cut off”

Each RIZOMA’s employee plays a key role in the satisfaction of customers. The individual ability is indispensable for obtaining a common good.

The intent is to provide products and services that comply with requirements of high quality and forward thinking, as well as competitive performances, reliability, excellence.

Quality is a strategic element to the Company and pervades every aspect of organization, its effectiveness should be gradually increased. Quality management means managing knowledge and tools, making available information to the stakeholders on time and in appropriate ways. The ultimate goal is to generate satisfaction for all stakeholders (internal and external) developing a relational system that assigning responsibility and passionate pleas to concentrate its efforts toward a common goal.

RIZOMA depends on its customers and, therefore, should know the present and future needs for fully satisfy their needs, constantly trying to predict and anticipate their expectations.

The commitment of CEO for the quality policy is reflected in the planning of defined and measurable objectives. For this purpose, the Quality Management System focuses on the establishment of traceable, objective and verifiable data and information, so they can be useful basis for decision making process. To achieve a goal toward the most efficient way is necessary to organize our resources and our activities as closely interdependent processes.

The CEO is committed to make available adequate resources and tools for the achieving of targets set.

The CEO also undertakes constantly monitor and regularly review of the adequacy of the Quality Management System evaluating possible corrections and improvements.

Ferno, 25 June 2018
